What is a Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC)?
A PFAC is a group of patients, family members of patients, hospital staff, and leaders who are committed to finding opportunities to improve the patient and family experience at Hamilton Medical Center.
What do members of the PFAC do?
- Provide ongoing feedback to assist HMC to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of services it offers patients and families who seek care
here. - Assist HMC to continually improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of services it offers patients and families who seek care here.
- Strengthen communication and collaboration among patients, families, and other non-professional caregivers and HMC professional staff and associates.
- Promote information sharing between HMC and the patients and community it serves.
- Aid in establishing HMC’s organization priorities in response to patient, family, and community needs.
- Promote patient and family advocacy and involvement.
What are the Hamilton PFAC Goals?
The primary goal of the HMC PFAC will be to provide a forum that encourages patients and families to have direct input and influence on policies and practices at their community hospital.
The PFAC will serve in an advisory capacity to assist HMC in always putting patients and families first, thereby promoting quality, safety, efficiency and achieving the highest aspirations of HMC’s Vision, Mission and Values.
If you have additional questions or are interested in learning more about becoming a member of the HMC Patient and Family Advisory Council, please apply ONLINE or contact:
Kimberly Hawkins
phone: 706-272-6860
email: [email protected]
Shirley Parker
phone: 706-272-6183
email: [email protected]