What is an Annual Wellness Visit?
The Annual Wellness Visit is a scheduled time for the wellness nurse and your provider to meet with you to help you create a personalized healthcare prevention and screening plan, based on your age, gender, and medical conditions. This visit is covered by your insurance at no cost to you.
What happens at my appointment?
The Annual Wellness Visit is Medicare’s version of your yearly physical exam. During your visit, the nurse will sit down with you to update your medical history; check your blood pressure and vision, along with your weight and height. Your care team will check to make sure you are up-to-date with preventative screenings and services, such as cancer screenings and immunizations.
You will be given advice to help you prevent disease, improve your health and stay well. You will receive a written checklist when you leave letting you know which screenings and other preventive services that you are eligible for.
At the Annual Wellness Visit you may also talk about end-of-life planning and be assisted with completing Advanced Directives while you are at the office. Advanced Directives are legal documents that allow you to put in writing what kind of health care you would or would not want if you were too ill to speak for yourself.
Why Wellness?
- 50 percent of adults have at least one chronic disease that could have been prevented (CDC).
- This yearly visit is at no cost to you and is an opportunity for you to receive a personalized care plan to keep you as well and healthy as possible.
- Any preventive services that you are eligible for will be scheduled for you at this appointment so you have a clear understanding of what you need.
What should I bring to my appointment?
- Any new medical or immunization records
- The name of the pharmacy you prefer to use
- A list of any other healthcare providers you see
- All of your prescription and over-the-counter medications
- A current record of your family history
Your Wellness Coordinators
Questions? Feel free to reach out to us. We would love to answer any questions that you may have.
Cherish Higdon, RN
Murray Campus
[email protected]
Jeri Fuller, LPN
Primary Care – Dalton
[email protected]
706.226.9355, ext. 206