Please rate your recent experience with Hamilton EMS. For each statement, please mark the answer that best corresponds to the level of care you received. If a question does not apply, please select N/A. Space is provided at the end of the survey to offer additional questions.Usefulness of instruction provided by the 911 call operator prior to the arrival of Hamilton EMS personnel. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Date of service: * Required MM slash DD slash YYYY Time of service: * Required : Hours Minutes AM/PM AM PM AM/PM Did the Hamilton EMS personnel introduce themselves? * Required Yes No Do you remember the name of the HEMS paramedic that took care of you?Professionalism and appearance of Hamilton EMS personnel. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Hamilton EMS personnel's knowledge of your complaint. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Quality of care provided by Hamilton EMS personnel. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Care that Hamilton EMS personnel showed for your questions or worries. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Concern Hamilton EMS personnel showed for the needs of your family/friends. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Degree to which Hamilton EMS personnel explained the procedures they performed in a manner that you could understand. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Cleanliness of Hamilton EMS ambulance and equipment. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Overall satisfaction with the service you received from Hamilton EMS. * Required Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Please offer any additional comments or suggestions in the space provided.If any members of our staff were especially helpful, please let us know who they are. We would like to show them our appreciation.Contact Information(optional) First Last Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code PhoneEmail