Hamilton Ambulatory Surgery Center (HASC) is a 22,000-square-foot, free-standing facility specifically designed for outpatient procedures such as arthroscopies, biopsies, tubal ligations, hernia repairs, cholecystectomies and many others. It contains the latest in medical technology, four large operating suites, an efficient circular layout and a comforting and well-lit lobby.
The center provides easy access, convenience and efficiency for elective and medically necessary surgeries. And it’s a less clinical, family-like environment, which is important for patients’ well-being.
An important advantage to the center is that it’s custom-made for proper patient flow. Patients move from the waiting area to the nearby pre-op area where they are prepared for surgery. The trip to the operating room is a short one across the hall. Then after their procedure they go to a recovery area just around the corner (Phase I and II recovery). The separate exit provides extra privacy so patients who are leaving are not mixed with patients and family members coming in.
Because the center is a contained facility, almost everything the patient needs can be handled there, including minor lab work. Its four operating suites contain the latest equipment including advanced laparoscopic cameras, surgical lights and supporting equipment, and C-arm X-rays that allow radiographic views.
Surgery here is designed as a one-stop service where a patient arrives in the morning to a pleasant atmosphere, gets their procedure done and goes home. There are few delays because of other patient emergencies. Because inpatients and outpatients aren’t mixed at the center, victims coming in from a car accident won’t bump outpatient procedures to later times.
The Center also features a highly qualified staff dedicated to ambulatory patients—from board-certified surgeons to experienced anesthesiologists to skilled registered nurses who’ve been trained at major medical centers like Hamilton.