Hamilton Medical Center (HMC) recently hosted its 10th bi-annual student symposium for nursing students across the region.
Approximately 50 RN and LPN students from Dalton State College attended.
The event included sessions on interviewing skills presented by Kristine Godfrey, vice president of Human Resources; self-care and resiliency skills by Rachel Houghton from Hamilton’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP); pre-recorded open-heart surgery and case study facilitated by Amy Fouts, DNP, AGACNP-BC, CCRN, from HMC’s Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit and a nursing panel. Students also had networking opportunities with directors, managers and educators of nursing at the facility during several breakout session discussions.
The event is designed to assist upcoming nursing graduates succeed in pursuing their career goals in healthcare.
“As nursing leaders, we always enjoy the opportunity to partner with local nursing schools and giving nursing students practical ways to transition from being a student to a nurse,” said Madison Mills, director of Surgical Services. “Our hope is to help students build long lasting relationships with fellow colleagues and to ensure their future success in healthcare.”