The Anna Shaw Children’s Institute (ASCI), 1201 Burleyson Road, will provide two six-week social skills workshops for children beginning in April. A group for children age 5 to 7 will meet on Mondays, 4 to 5 p.m., from April 12 to May 17, and a group for children age 8 to 11 will meet on Tuesdays, 4 to 5 p.m., from April 13 to May 18. Each group will focus on building skills such as joining peer groups, give-and-take in conversations, how to win and lose, and setting/respecting boundaries. Sessions are practice-based and designed to be fun. The cost is $20 per session. If you would like to attend and need assistance with interpretation services and/or auxiliary aids, please indicate when registering. Space is limited. To register or for more information, call 706-226-8911.