Three Project SEARCH interns recently completed their school year at Hamilton Health Care System. A special recognition night was held to honor them.
This year’s Project SEARCH interns include: Alex Sandoval, Dalton High School; Christian Bejarano, Dalton High School; and Tyler Cross, Coahulla Creek High School.
Interns rotated through jobs at Hamilton in Environmental Services, Food Services, Hospice, Laundry Services, Maintenance, Materials Management and Royal Oaks Dining Services – coached by Karen Hutchinson. Through interest questionnaires and strength assessments, instructors and interns worked together to find the best fit in three of the work areas.
“This year’s interns were an incredibly polite, well-mannered group of young men,” said Hutchinson. “I have no doubt they will be successful in their future employment as they build relationships within the community and find a sense of accomplishment after a hard day’s work.”
Project SEARCH is a high school transitional program to help students with disabilities learn transferable job skills, some of which may lead to employment at Hamilton. It is a collaborative program of Dalton Public Schools, Whitfield County Schools, Hamilton, Cross Plains Community Partner and the local Vocational Rehabilitation office.