Hamilton Health Care System (HHCS) has been awarded the Workplace Excellence Award by the Bivarus Company. This prestigious, national award is given to only a select few companies, each year, that achieve high standards in workplace communication, employee satisfaction and leadership excellence.
“Our associates make Hamilton the great healthcare system it is today,” said Jeff Myers, HHCS president and CEO. “We know the clinical quality and service our physicians and associates provide is excellent. This award further validates that our associates are growing, thriving and feel the respect and pride we all have in them.”
The award is based on the Employee Workplace Climate Satisfaction Survey from March 2017. Employees answered questions rating the following areas: attention to employee needs, communications, employee involvement, department leadership, direct supervision, overall work environment and employee satisfaction. Through these survey results, Hamilton showed evidence of workplace excellence by meeting or exceeding the established Bivarus criteria in these categories. Survey results are compared to results of the 200 Bivarus clients.
“Hamilton Health Care System leaders have taken action on yearly engagement survey results and have achieved high levels of engagement for associates and leaders while growing the system to further meet the needs of the community,” said Connie Saunders, senior consultant for Bivarus. “It has been my pleasure as a senior consultant to partner with such a fine health care system and see them achieve excellence in the workplace.”
To receive the award, organizations must be in the Bivarus national 75th percentile or higher in four out of the five Employee Workplace Climate Satisfaction Survey indicators, including New Associate Engagement and Organizational Health. The Bivarus database includes more than 200,000 employees. In addition, to qualify for the award, the response rate must be at least 68 percent. Hamilton achieved a 78 percent rate, which included approximately 2,000 employees.
The highest scoring areas in the survey relate to importance of job to mission, job expectations, enjoyment working in work areas, caring leadership, appreciation, feedback, supplies and equipment, smooth, efficient operations and views of the department leadership.
Survey result highlights included:
- 97.1% are proud to work at Hamilton.
- 95.6% believe HHCS is a quality organization.
- 90.7% indicate the person they report to cares about them as a person.
- 89.4% of associates indicate their work area is a good place to work.
“Our associates are our most valuable resources,” said Jason Hopkins, Human Resources director. “They serve with compassion and truly make Hamilton what it is.”