Hamilton Health Care System will hold a groundbreaking for its recently announced Anna Shaw Children’s Institute on Thursday, Nov. 16 at 5:30 p.m. The event will be held at the Brown Conference Center on the campus of Hamilton Medical Center. The public is invited.

“We hope you’ll join us for this celebration,” said Terri Woodruff, RN, director of the institute. “The Anna Shaw Children’s Institute will provide specialized services to children and families in our region and will prevent many families from having to drive long distances for treatment.”
Dedicated to the memory of Anna Sue Shaw, the Institute will be a regional leader of and advocate for the care of children who are experiencing the challenges of autism spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or developmental delays. The Institute will serve the families of Northwest Georgia, as well as neighboring communities in the region and beyond.
With design elements inspired by the style of a tree house, the Institute will be located in a serene environment reflective of the natural beauty that exists in our region. Families will be able to receive diagnoses, treatment and support, all under one roof.
Focusing on early intervention, The Institute will provide cognitive, psychological and developmental evaluations to ensure the assessment of each child’s individual skill set and to identify appropriate therapy services to maximize the child’s development. Available therapies for children will include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and feeding therapy. Psychological services will provide assistance to children and families through individual counseling, family counseling and behavioral support services. A treatment navigator – a dedicated Institute employee – will support families through the diagnostic and treatment processes.
Hamilton is recruiting highly-qualified specialists in the areas of developmental pediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry and psychology. The Institute will employ a staff of nationally-recognized experts in the study and treatment of autism spectrum disorder. Additionally, Hamilton providers will collaborate and bring in neurology, genetics, gastroenterology and other pediatric sub-specialists to treat patients.
Construction is expected to be completed by March 2019.