Hamilton Medical Center makes every effort to provide complete and accurate information about the amount a patient may be obligated to pay for services. What follows is Hamilton Medical Center’s detailed price list (chargemaster). While the detailed price list is accurate as of the date it is posted, it may be subsequently updated. The detailed price list will be updated at a minimum once per year.
The actual charges will depend upon a variety of factors such as: the length of time spent in surgery or recovery, the number of days spent in the hospital, specific equipment used, supplies and medications required, additional tests required by your physician, and/or any unusual special care, unexpected conditions, or complications. These estimates do not include any physician charges which will be separately billed (e.g. office visits, surgeon, anesthesiologist, emergency room physician, radiologist, pathologist, consulting physicians, etc.).
If you have insurance, your benefits will ultimately determine the amount you owe (including deductibles, co-pay, co-insurance and out-of-pocket maximums). If you do not have insurance, Hamilton Medical Center provides uninsured discounts and has financial assistance policies that can provide free or discounts to lower the actual amount owed by the patient. For more information view the financial assistance policies.
If you have any questions at any time or would like us to help you estimate the amount you will be responsible for please call 706-272-6636.