Vizient MidSouth recently named Hamilton Health Care System as a 2015 Performance Excellence Award recipient. The announcement was made at Vizient MidSouth’s annual Trustee Institute on Amelia Island.
This award recognizes engaged organizations that have achieved the highest level of excellence across three key focus areas compared to their peers. The focus areas include financial and operational excellence, clinical quality excellence, and innovation.
In addition to engagement and performance in the key focus areas, other factors that were considered included clinical improvement and cost savings achieved through Vizient MidSouth collaboratives and participation in innovative Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) pilots to improve care delivery and clinical quality.
Vizient MidSouth is a membership alliance for not-for-profit health care providers that exists to ensure its members deliver cost-effective care by connecting them with the knowledge, solutions and expertise that accelerate performance.
Photo: MidSouth recently named Hamilton Health Care System as a 2015 Performance Excellence Award recipient. In the front, from left, are Leny Mohan, RN; Laurie Marsh, Materials Management director; Phyllis Long, Associate Health manager; and Nina Cole, RN, analyst. In the back are Heather Mallett, Human Resources specialist; Steven Bridenstine, Finance director; Betty Bearden, laboratory section supervisor; and Ann Abernathy, accrediting coordinator and data analyst